Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Death Instinct and Other Terms Used On This Blog

Please see my sister blog www.thomasimmortality.blogspot.com for additional insights.
Below are some terms which have been referenced on the Thomas Immortality Project blog directly or indirectly. What I hope you might do is find a term that’s interesting to you and google it. It’s a fun way to learn new facts.
1. Death Instinct—This may be termed the “anti-life” instinct. Based up a universal law (which I just made up): For every given thing, there is an anti-thing.  So there is life. But there is also anti-life. Sigmund Freud used the Greek term, Thanatos, for what is the “death instinct.”  What to do about this spiritual construct? It must be transformed and probably eliminated from one’s being in order to have eternal life. See: Death Instinct - world, body, life, time, person, human, Life and Death

2. Kundalini—This is the Dynamic Ground rising from the base of the spinal column to the top of the head. Males who do not ejaculate can allow the Kundalini to rise. See: Chakra Experiences in the Awakening Process — The Kundalini Guide

3. Dynamic Ground—This term comes from Michael Washburn’s text, The Ego & The Dynamic Ground. See:  Amazon.com: The Ego and the Dynamic Ground: A Transpersonal ... In brief: In males the Dynamic Ground is almost always diverted to the balls where it will eventually will be released in the life energy of males, sperm. This means that a male who ejaculates cannot be an Immortal since the energy used in masturbation is used up and there is none to rise to the top of the head. Please see previous term, Kundalini. In any case, to shift one’s consciousness from the Ego to the Dynamic Ground (the Spirit of God), Professor Washburn’s advice is to be open and be prepared for the “dark night of the soul.”

4. 9-Chakra System—This consists of the 7 energy centers associated with the body, the Earth Chakra (beneath one’s feet) and the 9th chakra just above the head. As the Kundalini rises from the base of the spine to the top of the head it can go two places simultaneously: a) Outside the head—this is the 9th chakra and b) through the pineal gland to the 6th chakra (which is located between the eyebrowns). See:  feedback. Report another imagePlease report the offensive image. CancelDone

5. Transpersonal Self—As the Kundalini rises to the top of the head, there is a possibility that a divine spark may occur and the chakra outside the head is activated. In some systems this is called the “Witness.” This divine spark will allow one to detached from the Ego brain. Going one step further, when the Ego has dissolved itself (this occurs when it is seen to be an artificial construct), one is Enlightened. At this point, things just happen as they happen; Since there is no Ego, there is no self-direction of the brain (which really was an illusion). See: Joy's Way, A Map for the Transformational Journey: An Introduction to ...

6. The Eternal Now or the Tao—This is a state of consciousness in which the Transpersonal Self has been activated. In this state of being, one gives up and allows God’s Spirit to move as it wishes. The less you do, the better!

7. Alien-Ego Hypothesis—This hypothesis claims the Ego is being controlled by dark forces. This dark energy is a parasite which thrives on its host, the human being. Note that Satan must allow a some life force in so that it can eat. The amount of life force allowed is a matter of conjecture; some have claimed it’s 50%-50% with a balance of “good vs. evil.” While this sounds nice, I believe it’s more like 10%-90% with the majority of high-intensity emotions (like, say, outrage) dominating while pro-life forces such as love, joy, and contentment are allowed to occur from time to time. Supporting arguments for the “Alien-Ego” hypothesis include:

a. Fetishes—these are independent psychic energies which in males used their balls in order to stimulate an erection and then masturbation. These dark energies usually use negative stories which the brain has concocted and usually involves harm to yourself or others. The great danger: These creatures stay alive as long as you continue to masturbate to it; then it will fuck you up in real life by taking over at key moments and making you do something stupid. 

b. Sub-personalities—these are classified into two groups:

1. Brain-centered—In this case, there is just sub-vocalization of various parts of the brain; apparently, these voices are talking to each other or are attempting to get the ego to listen it. 

2. Alien—These are voices which come from outside the brain. Carl Jung wrote a book which he kept from the public until his death about an alien being which spoke directly to him. Amazon.com: The Red Book: A Reader's Edition (Philemon ...). In this “red book” Jung illuminates the interaction between himself and the alien being, Philemon. See: Philemon Foundation | Who is Philemon? - Translating and Editing the ....

c.  Self-Harm—This is when a person intentionally harms himself. Classically, this is considered part of the “superego” in the triad model of Freud. An excellent text which details the perverse extent Satan will go to get human beings to harm themselves is given in the text, Man Against Himself.  See: Amazon.com: Man Against Himself (9780156565141): Karl Menninger ...

d.  Demonic Possession—This is an example in which dark energies have completely taken over the human being. Although there are exceptions, one has usually invited this dark energy into one’s being. Excellent resources come from People of the Lie,  People of the Lie: The Hope for Healing Human Evil: M. Scott Peck ... and Amazon.com: Glimpses of the Devil: A Psychiatrist's Personal ...

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

The Practice: Concentrating On the Body Vibrating at the Immortal Frequency

Readers are invited to visit my sister blog www.thomasimmortality.blogspot.com for additional insights.

The Thomas Immortality Project recommends three practices:

1. Morning Devotion—Saying the Holy Vow aloud, activating the Spirit of Truth, and reading Jesus’ words aloud at the Immortal Frequency.

2. Moderate Strength Training—This includes pushups, sit ups and weights. I combine the “morning devotion” with a few minutes of exercise. These two practices can be done in 30 minutes each morning.

3. Marijuana-Infused Meditation—This practice is fundamental since we are waking up the body. The practice consists of:

a. Using marijuana which includes edibles with a high CBD level. See: Project CBD: Medical Marijuana | Cannabinoid Science.

b. After a few minutes, the effects on the mind-body system will be felt. At this point, I lay down in a quiet place.

c. Intend for the body to vibrate at the Immortal Frequency.

d. Concentrate on the body for a period of time, say 1 hour.


The last step will be the most challenging for people as the brain is constantly talking to itself. Just keep bringing your focus back to the sensations in the body. Note that this is a form of body awareness and concentrated meditation. Start with 10 minutes if this is helpful.

Here truth seekers are invited to explore and play! Try out different times of day; exercise and then meditate; vary the amount of dosage of marijuana being used. Here are some other ideas you can play with:

* Breathing—Advanced practitioners might try breathing techniques from Pranayama, the yoga art of breathing.  Personally, I just connect my in-breath to the out-breath in what is called “consciously connected breathing.” See: Pranayama (Breathing) Exercises & Poses - Yoga Journal.

* Caffeine and Dark Chocolate—These two products are known to have a synergetic effect such that when combined with marijuana they enhance the overall effect on the body-mind system.

* Focus on Jesus’ Words—Since you activate Jesus’ words at the Immortal Frequency each morning, the body will be able to activated at the level during one’s meditation.

* Crystals and wands—Some have claimed these things have higher vibrational energy. Truth seekers can explore and see what happens. See: www.onelight.com.


 * Focus on activating the chakra above the head—This energy center above and outside the head, a chakra, must be activated in order to get out of the ego mind. The ego is separation from the Dynamic Ground or God. It represents a stage in human development which will have to be shifted as mankind evolves to higher levels. Please note: In my system the 8th chakra is connected to the earth; the 9th chakra is about enlightenment and I do not associate it with “cosmic love” as many system claim. True love is telling the truth: When you die, you are dead! See: Understanding The 12 Chakras And What They Mean.

* Obtain the text  As It Is: The Open Secret of Spiritual Awakening by Tony Parsons. This text is written at a high vibrational  frequency. It is not necessary to agree with the pointers given; merely by reading this book will allow shifts to occur. See: As It Is: The Open Secret of Spritual Awakening: Tony Parsons ....

* Combine with other practices--- The Immortal Frequency Practice can be combined with any other practice. So more formal meditation postures are possible; hatha yoga can be helpful; solving crossword puzzles or chess problems is excellent training for the brain; try Buddhist Mindfulness Training. Play and see what works for you!


It is the claim of the Thomas Immortality Project that by following the three recommended practices the aging code will be shifted. Of course, I am assuming a relatively healthy lifestyle such as not smoking tobacco, limiting alcohol consumption, and keeping one’s BMI within a normal range for your gender, age, and health status.  The best way to challenge this claim: Play with the ideas presented and see what happens!

Monday, December 19, 2016

Commentary on Selected Passages from the Gospel of Thomas, Part II

Readers may see the first commentary: Brief Commentary on Selected Passages from the Gospel of Thomas posted on December 7, 2016. Also, please visit my sister blog, www.thomasimmortality.blogspot.com for additional insights.

13) “Look to the living one as long as you live or you might die and then try to see the living one and you will be unable to see”


 ---Saying 59

The zen-like attention to the now and the possibilities which exist in the present is the core of Jesus’ message: Salvation is here, right where you are, right now—just look!  In every instance in which Jesus followers ask questions such as:

Is there life after death? (see Saying 18)

When will the new world come? (see Saying 51)

Should we study what the prophets have written? (See Saying 52)

Jesus returns his listeners to the present: “You have pushed the living from yourselves, and have begun to speak of those who are dead” ( Saying 52).

14) “If your leaders say to you, ‘Look the kingdom is in heaven,’ then the birds of heaven will precede you. If they say to you, ‘It is in the sea,’ then the fish will precede you. Rather, the kingdom is inside you and outside you”

  ---Saying 3

The Kingdom of God has two parts:

a. Inside—This is the spirit-filled follower of Jesus who through mystical union has resurrected with Jesus and is his twin.

b. Outside—This is the literal building of God’s Kingdom on earth. Note that Jesus is not coming back. So it will be up to good people to demand God’s Kingdom on earth. Really it is easy. Example: If good people would band together and refuse to pay taxes on the grounds that it violates one’s privacy, the IRS would cease to be. The government would have to find another way to raise revenue (like a single 20% tax on all good and services and all other taxes be such as state taxes, property taxes, income taxes, estate taxes will be eliminated). You have the power!


15) “You see the speck that is in your brother’s eye, but you do not see the beam that is in your own”

---Saying 26.

In addition to being centered in the now, a second core message of Jesus: Focus on what I am doing, not others. It is easy to find faults with others. But do you see the disaster your life has become?



Q: Who are you?

A: We are the children of the Living Father.

Q: Where did you come from?

A: We came from the light, from the place where the light came into being by itself.

Q: What is the proof of God within you?

A: It is movement and it is rest.

 --- Paraphrased from saying 50.


Jesus gives his followers a catechism to follow so that when others ask about them, they will be able to know how to answer. Truth seekers might zoom in on the phrase, “we came from the light.” This is light consciousness which is a chakra or energy center located just outside and above the head. When the 9th chakra is activated, then light consciousness will be activated. At this point, the Ego will be seen to be an artificial construct which keeps the free flow of energy from circulating. One will be in God’s hands where there will be movement and rest.


17) “During the days when you ate what is dead, you made it alive. When you are in the light, what will you do?”


---Saying 11.

 Answer: When you are in the light, you will consume what comes from the light as it makes you alive. There is only one thing a person can consume which will unite him with the light: Cannabis Sativa.  This is so because one of the pioneers of marijuana science, Raphael Mechoulam, discovered an “Impossible” fact: The human body’s control mechanism of its function is the same as that which exists in Cannabis Sativa!  See: Dr. Raphael Mechoulam | Kalytera Therapeutics, Inc.This is completely impossible because how could a plant duplicate the cannabinoid system which is identical to the same system in human beings which controls the immune system, the central nervous system, pain pathways and dozens of other systems?

Conclusion: When one is in the light, one will consume what comes from the light: Cannabis Sativa.



Jesus said to his disciples: “Compare and tell me what I am like.”

Matthew: “You are like an especially wise philosopher.”


---Saying 13  
Wisdom is the key quality Jesus wants to be activated in truth seekers. Wisdom is going outside of one’s limited self-interest and finding understanding at a higher level. So be a lover of wisdom!

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Book Reviews for Gospel of Thomas Students

Please visit my sister blog www.thomasimmortality.blogspot.com for additional insights.

Note to Readers: I obtain many of the scholarly texts which I review via “Link +,” an interlibrary loan program. This free service is provided by the San Francisco Public Library.

1. Studies in the Gospel of Thomas by R. McL. Wilson (London, A.R. Mowbray, 1960). See: Studies in the Gospel of Thomas (9780317615432): R. Wilson. This is an historical text as it is one of the first to carefully examine Thomas. It was written by a New Testament scholar nearly 57 years ago. The central question when Thomas was discovered in 1945 as part of what became the Nag Hammadi Library: Is this an authentic saying book of Jesus which is independent of the Gospels written by the Roman Catholics? Note that the Roman Catholics destroyed all original saying books and constructed their own Gospels: Matthew, Mark, Luke and John; these are all completely fraudulent texts as far as the narratives are concerned while using many of the actual sayings of Jesus (many of the passages are obvious forgeries such as Mark 16:9-20 and John 7: 53-8:11).

The short answer to the question of scholars in 1960: Yes. The Gospel of Thomas has at least 50 sayings which can reasonably be traced back to Jesus. The argument comes from the showing that another saying book, Q, must have existed and was used by Matthew and Luke to compose their Gospels. We know this because nearly 100 passages (such as parables, narratives, and aphorisms) are nearly identical in both Luke and Matthew as well as being sequenced in the same order. The only logical explanation to these observations is Luke and Matthew must have had a common source of sayings—the saying book, Q. Please see the next book review for additional information.  

2. Q, the Earliest Gospel by John S. Klopperborg (Westminster, John Knox Press, 2008) is a slim paper book volume of 170 pages in which the author lays out the case for why the Gospels Luke and Matthew must have shared a common source. Students are encourage to study chapter 1, “What is Q” with its detailed diagrams in order to understand the above argument. Please see: Q, the Earliest Gospel‎.

What is fascinating about the above line of reasoning is the fact that it is fairly airtight: If it is argued that Q did not exist, then how does one explain that Luke and Matthew share about 100 passages which are nearly identical and in the same sequence? Thus, assuming a naturalistic explanation, the hypothetical Gospel Q must have existed.

For Thomas students, Q is the key to proving that the Gospel of Thomas is independent of the Roman Catholic texts: Thomas contains over 50 sayings which correlate to Q. Since Q was the source book used by Luke and Matthew, and Q and Thomas are independent, it follows that Luke and Matthew are independent of Thomas.

Conclusion: Based upon a careful analysis of the Roman Catholic texts, Matthew and Luke, scholars have shown that these authors used a common source, Q. Because Q and the Gospel of Thomas are correlated to each other as well as being independent of each other, it follows Thomas is an original sayings book. 

3. Cannabis Revolution: What You Need To Know by Stephen Holt (iuniverse, 2016) is a large reference volume of 577 pages (see: The Cannabis Revolution(c): What You Need to Know: Dsc Stephen ). Overall, there is a balanced discussion of the pros and cons of using marijuana. If the reader is a physician or a therapist, then chapter 12, “Neurological Disorders” is insightful as Holt shows the mechanism by which various receptors in the brain are activated in order to facilitate healing. Also, Holt gives specific dosages for using either THC or CBD (psychoactive substances in cannabis) in order to achieve optimal outcomes. Excellent discussions of various clinical trials related to medical conditions such as Epilepsy, Parkinson's Disease, Lou Gehrig's Disease (ALS), and spinal cord injury are also given.

My problem with this text: As is common with those who are educated in an academic sense and who are “authority” figures (he has a medical degree as well as a doctorate in the science), he does not understanding that all social problems are the direct result of a capitalist system which exploits human beings and is destroying this planet. So Holt warns parents again and again how to detect if their teenager is using marijuana (one of the telltale signs: look at the tips of the fingers and see if they have burns on them). This is nonsense! Instead of living naturally—in tribes and small communities—we have depersonalized ourselves, turning ourselves into puppets for those who wish to make profits for themselves. When 13-year old young men start killing tigers, building houses, and learning how to be honorable and 13-year old young women start becoming mothers and women, then we will have an Immortal structure. Of course, in developing brains marijuana can be dangerous; but this argument misses the point: Until humans beings return to their roots, living in small communities, there will be endless disruptions which will likely be further disrupted by a nuclear war.

Monday, December 12, 2016

Can Smoking Marijuana Make Me Immortal?

Please see my sister blog, www.thomasimmortality.blogspot.com for additional insights.

Yes. When the purpose of using an active substance in marijuana, cannabidiol (CBD), is for the body to vibrate at the Immortal Frequency, cannabis is very helpful. As Jesse Ventura has noted in his text, Jesse Ventura’s Marijuana Manifesto, CBD is useful for numerous conditions: Parkinson’s, spinal injury, and multiple sclerosis. Please see the chart in his text on page 70 of the above text for examples of the many dozens of conditions which CBD might be helpful.

For readers of this blog, the chain of causation in becoming a Physical Immortal might include:

a) Intention—this is the intention to become Immortal,


b) Immortal Will—this is the will for Immortality while eliminating the death instinct,


c) Reading Jesus’ words aloud at the Immortal Frequency,


d) Activating Jesus’s words by smoking marijuana or otherwise consuming CBD.


If you like wild conjectures, then here is one: Plant life and human life coevolved as Charles Darwin noted in his observations (see: Coevolution - Wikipedia). This plant or flower will live as long as there are human beings to ingest it; if it allows for a shift in the aging code, then so much the better. Thus, it does not surprise that God would use a plant in order to return mankind to the original Garden of Eden.


My own practice:

During the morning: I say my Holy Vows aloud, invite the Spirit of Truth to be activated, ask for Jesus’ words to vibrate at the Immortal Frequency, and then read passages from the Gospel of Thomas aloud. Usually, I will choose one passage per day and focus on that message for the day. This takes about 20 minutes.

During the night or evening: I use a small dosage of edibles such as chocolate brownies before resting. After the CBD has been activated, I intend for my body to vibrate at the level of Jesus’ words: The Immortal Frequency.


Truth seekers are encouraged to try different ideas out to see what works for you. From anecdotal reports, people appear to be stunned that the claims of this blog actually work. The goal is to be re-connected with God as an Immortal. “Blessed is the person who has struggled and has found life!” –Jesus, Gospel of Thomas, Saying 58.

Thursday, December 8, 2016

THC Use and Other Questions

Readers: Please visit www.thomasimmortality.blogspot.com for additional insights.

1. Why do you recommend using THC?
THC is the psychoactive substance in cannabis. I recommend edibles such as chocolate brownies (start at 10 mg) and monitor dosage. THC has two purposes for the initiate:

a. To shift from the Ego brain to the energy center of chakra located just above the head. While students of meditation may arrive at similar insights as those who use THC, it might take 20-30 years of dedicated practice to achieve these insights. Few individuals in the West are capable of this. The goal here is to gain insights into the various sub-personalities which exist in one’s being. All males will have a female self which needs to be integrated into the whole.

b. THC is highly recommended for those who intend for their bodies to vibrate at the Immortal Frequency. The goal is to construct the Immortal Will. Note that the Immortal Will is a spiritual construct which begins above the head, runs down the front of the body to the earth. This means it will activate all the chakras at once; the 7 major energy centers connected to the body, the 8th chakra which is connected to the earth, and the 9th chakra which is above the head. Activation is done by intention.

My practice consists of THC use at night when I am ready to sleep. A few minutes after the THC has been activated one can intend for the body to vibrate at the Immortal Frequency. Please note this will be activated in those who are constructing their Immortal Will. Suitable candidates are males who practice sexual restraint. In addition, those who have activated Jesus’ words to the Immortal Frequency will be able to activate this frequency in their bodies. To be clear: Those who are using THC just to get high and think this might help in being an Immortal are probably deceiving themselves.

2. Do you recommend weight training?
Yes. Some moderate strength training will be helpful. The traditional exercises such as pushups, sit ups, and weight lifting are great! Note: “Weak body, weak mind” adage applies here. Because males no longer do physical labor to the extent it was done a 100 years ago, they have grown weak. As far as running or jogging: This is a complete waste of time. (Note: Some research has indicated that sprinting for 5-7 minutes a couple of times a week is helpful.) A few minutes walking and getting vitamin D from the Sun each day is an excellent idea, however. So to have a strong mind, one needs a strong body.

3. What about a high-protein diet?

I don’t know. This is something you can experiment with and see how it works for you. Because different individuals have different needs, I am reluctant to make any strong recommendations on diet. However, I do believe sugar is probably a toxin and should be limited as large intake of sugar is associated with poor health outcomes.

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Brief Commentary on Selected Passages from the Gospel of Thomas

Please see www.thomasimmortality.blogspot.com for additional insights.

1. “Be Passerby”

--Saying 42.      

This is the shortest of Jesus’ sayings. Without a narrative or context, this saying can be applied in multiple situations. If you like, we can call this an open-ended aphorism. As a matter of one’s stance in the world, the advice is spot on: The things of this world are temporary; so don’t get too attached to them.

2. “You, however, be as shrewd as serpents and innocent as doves”

--Saying 39. 

While the followers of Jesus practice the “Golden Rule” (see Saying 6), they are also capable of gaining insight into what’s happening. From this insight, they will come up with a “shrewd” response.

3. “Know what is in front of your face and what is hidden will be disclosed to you”
 --Saying 5.

Jesus advises us to look and see. Do you really understand what is happening? Do you see from a place of wisdom or do you see from a self-centered perspective? The promise of clear seeing: The hidden will also be seen.

4. “Whoever drinks from my mouth will become like me; I myself shall become that person”
--Saying 108

This saying points to the mystical union the follower of Jesus has with the resurrected Jesus. Not only will the follower become “like me,” he will become me! The union with Jesus occurs through the study of his sayings since the Gospel of Thomas is the only direct source of Jesus’ words; the initiate of Jesus then drinks from his mouth. Then a divine spark may explode: No longer does one believe in Jesus—one is Jesus!

5. “On the day when you were one, you became two. But when you became two what will you do?”
--Saying 11.

This saying is part of a theme which occurs throughout Thomas: Oneness. From being one in the womb; to being separated into two about 3-year of age when the child becomes self-conscious and thus the artificial construct “Ego” is activated; to transcending the Ego in the service of the Dynamic Ground, human beings can end where they began: One with God!

6. “Whoever has something in hand will be given more, and whoever had nothing will be deprived of even the little he has”

--Saying 41.

This is just the law of attraction being restated. Those who are open and receptive will receive even more blessings, while those who are negative will lose even what little they have.

7. “Whoever knows all, if he is lacking one thing, he is lacking everything”

--Saying 67.

This saying is similar to the proverb, “The chain is only as strong as its weakest link.” This points to the fact that without unity, there will be conflict which will lead to destruction. Also, this saying points to self-knowledge as being key in one’s spiritual development as without this self-understanding one will make many errors in judgment which will lead to disasters.

8. “Your kings and powerful people dress in fine clothing and will not recognize the truth”

--Saying 78.

Just because someone is a leader or president does not mean he knows what he is doing. All the pomp and circumstance of an office will be of no value if there is not an engagement with the truth. 

9. “When you know yourselves, then you will be known, and you will understand that you are the children of the Living Father”

--Saying 5.

The spiritual awakening that one is more than flesh and blood, but is a spiritual being, a child of the Living Father, is the first step to a journey without end. Each morning one can create a reconnection with God by saying one’s Holy Vow aloud: “Father, I give you everything, my heart, my soul, my life. Please give me the strength to do your will this day. Thanks, God!

10. “Because you have drunk, you have become intoxicated from the bubbling spring I have measured out”

--Saying 13.

Here we see the very words of Jesus are intoxicating. They vibrate at the Immortal Frequency. This is why Thomas followers activate Jesus’ words to the Immortal Frequency before reading them aloud. Jesus’ words are life!

11. “Whoever finds the meaning of these words will not taste death”

--Saying 1.

Here Jesus gives the reader a challenge: Find the meaning of these words and you will be immortal. The ingenious solution to this puzzle was given on February 22, 2016 with the launching of the Thomas Immortality Project: The words of Jesus are life as they vibrate at the Immortal Frequency. Readers are encouraged to test this claim by direct practice.


12. “Perhaps people think that I have come to cast peace upon the earth. But they do not know that I have come to cast dissention upon the earth: Fire, sword, war”

--Saying 16

The Kingdom of God will happen when good people unite and demand it. Jesus is not coming back. To follow Jesus means one follows the “Golden Rule” and demand everyone else do so as well. If someone is dishonest in any way, followers of Jesus must speak up. By challenging unethical conduct, one will cause dissention. This might be you temporary lose some material goods or “friendships

Monday, December 5, 2016

Notes for the Thomas Student

Please see my sister blog, www.thomasimmortality.blogspot.com for additional insights.

1. The scholarly text, Ancient Christian Gospels: Their History and Development by Harvard Professor Helmut Koester (Trinity Press International, 1990) is an excellent resource. For Thomas students his section, “The Gospel of Thomas,” pages 75-128 is invaluable. Worthy of highlighting:

 “Moreover, a number of studies have shown that in many cases a saying or parable, as it appears in the Gospel of Thomas, is preserved in a form that is more original than any of the canonical parallels. This means that the tradition of sayings of Jesus in the Gospel of Thomas rules out the possibility of a dependence on the gospels” (pages 85-86).
Conclusion: Given that Professor Koester was a leading New Testament scholar for over 50 years and did extensive research into the Gospel of Thomas his analysis has strong credibility. In his 53 pages in the text cited above, he consider arguments and counterarguments about the claim that "Thomas is an authentic sayings book" and has concluded it is. Thus, anyone who wishes proof that the Gospel of Thomas is an authentic saying book may see pages 75-128 in the text Ancient Christian Gospels: Their History and Development: Helmut ....

2. As noted in a previous post, fetishes are independent psychic energy forms which in males use the balls to activate an erection. When this done in order to masturbate, there will be a story which the imaginative part of the brain has concocted into order to activate the fetish.

Example: Say a guy develops a female lingerie fetish such that he gets an erection thinking about wearing girl’s panties.


a. First note that the fetish has a separate existence from its host, the human being.

b. The fetish is able to communicate and work with other parts of the brain or perhaps more accurately the brain uses the fetish and creates the story which will activate an erection. In any case, several parts of one being are cooperating in the goal of masturbating.

c. The fetish is kept alive by you masturbating to it. Its hidden goal: To strike out in real life and fuck you up! 

d) I would conjecture that fetishes are part of a “demonic toolkit” in which Satan and his demons use to enslave mankind. In San Francisco, there are purple signs reading, “Porn Kills Love.” I wonder if there is a connection between the creation of fetishes and porn?

 Conclusion: Fetishes are non-human entities which feed off human life form by stimulating masturbation and ejaculation. 

3. Fetishes are an example of dark energies using human life form for its nefarious purposes. The Ego, an artificial construct to which other sub-personalities report to, is used by dark energies to feed off human beings’ life.

Example: Compulsive gamblers have a driving need to lose. I would conjecture that a fetish-like energy complex has taken over the brain with the goal of extracting the feeling of when the gambler loses. At the instance the gambler knows he has lost is when the dark energies eats psychic energy from its victim. This high-level intensity of feelings, ranging from anger, regret, fear and possibly terror can only be reproduced in human beings in a real-life simulation. Following his script, no doubt the gambler will be back at the tables in a few days, eager to lose once again.

4. The way out of the mess in which dark energies use the human psyche is the dissolution of the ego. In practical terms, this means one has stopped the various voices in one’s head from talking. In other words, there is complete silence. Probably experienced meditators can achieve this state. How I have done it is by activating a chakra above my head (this is at the transpersonal level) and simply stopped other parts of the brain talking to itself. Without the Ego, traumas, dark energies, fetishes and the like have nothing to talk to and will go away in time.

Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Reconnecting With God: The Holy Vow

The following post was originally posted on my sister blog, www.thomasimmortality.blogspot.com. Readers are invited to visit this site for additional insights.

If the reader will indulge me with a bit of mythmaking, I shall give a story of how everything began:

About 13.7 billion years ago a divine spark ignited an explosion and there was light! If the Kabbalah is to be believed, there are 49 universes in total. See: The Multidimensional Universe - Esoteric Science.

Our universe expanded and continues to increase the rate of its expansion. Side note: Recent experimental data indicates that the “Inflationary Model,” which posited that the universe would eventually collapse in on itself is probably wrong. See: Cosmic inflation is dead, long live cosmic inflation! | New Scientist.

In the process of combining basic elements, eventually the chemistry for life was created. In our universe a small chunk of rock near the edge of the Milky Way Galaxy met several of the key conditions for sentient life to exist: Water, just the right distance from the sun (the “goldilocks region”) and an iron core.

In any case, about 2 million years ago, primitive man started eating fish. This massive amount of protein greatly enlarged the brain. See: Ancient 'Brain Food' Helped Humans Get Smart - Live Science. As the brain became complex enough, there was a second divine spark: Self-awareness! Self-consciousness or self-awareness is your connection with God. At this point, primitive man was still one since his actions were done by instinct.

Now the drama thickens as with awareness came hierarchical social structures. This means smarter people can control other people. Enter the Ego. The Ego plays a double role:

a) It says a person is responsible for his actions and thus can be rewarded or punished accordingly,

b) Evil energy forms can use this construct to feed off human life. Why would God allow this? My best answer: This is God’s play and He gets to write the script however He chooses.

About 2,000 years ago, a peasant from Galilee created a stir by announcing God’s Kingdom was at hand. Since this did not go over well with the authorities of the day they murdered him. But then an earth-shaking event occurred: Jesus Resurrected From the Dead! In addition to a physical resurrection, there was a third divine spark: An energy center or chakra was constructed above the head which when activated could allow the truth of how the brain was being used by dark forces to feed off human life. This light consciousness or Truth Consciousness allows for a shifting of one’s awareness to above the brain (this is when one is “born again” or translated more accurately: “born from above).

In addition, this divine spark could allow for union with Jesus at the Immortal Frequency. As the initiate starts to receive glimpses of how his brain is being used, the Ego starts to dissolve as illumination=transformation. When the manipulation of Satan is seen, it no longer works since this creature likes to operate in darkness.

Finally, we come to the Holy Vow. The Holy vow is one in which the seeker gives up to God. Each morning the Holy Vow is renewed by being said aloud. Sample: “Dear Father—I give you everything, my heart, my soul, my entire being. Please give me the strength to do your will this day. Thanks, God.” This Holy Vow reconnects you with God each day!

Moreover, the Holy Vow will begin a connection with God at the light consciousness. This level of consciousness is at the Immortal level. Note that it was through Jesus’ Resurrection that that this Immortal level was created. By uniting as Jesus’ Twin, the initiate becomes mystically unified with Jesus. On this day, when you were two, a fourth divine spark occurs: You will be one again as you will know:


Q:  Who are you?


A: I am the child of the Living Father.


Q: Where did you come from?


A: I came from the light, the place where the light into being by itself.


Q: What is the proof of God in you?


A: It is motion and it is rest.


Jesus, Gospel of Thomas, Saying 50.


By reconnecting to God with one’s Holy Vow each morning, we return to the light—the place where the light came into being by itself!

Monday, November 28, 2016

Catechism for the Thomas Immortality Project

The post below was originally posted on my sister blog, www.thomasimmortality.blogspot.com. Readers are invited to visit this site for additional insights.

Below is a catechism—a short question-and-answer structure—meant to clarify key insights. 

1. What is the purpose of the Thomas Immortality Project?

To restore Jesus’ original message: Eternal Life—Physical Immortality—is available right here, right now.

2. How do I become a Physical Immortal?

Activate the Immortal words of Jesus before reading them aloud: “God, please activate Jesus’ words to the Immortal frequency so I can be a physical Immortal as Jesus is. Thanks, God.”

3. What is the first step in becoming an Immortal?

Develop the will for Immortality. This is a shift in thinking from considering just the short term; instead, develop structures which are solid. 

4. What is a solid structure?

Truth. When one is a truth seeker, an immediate shift occurs: More truth will be revealed!

5. How can readers help transform the world?

By spending a few minutes activating Jesus Immortal words, reading the words aloud, meditating on the words, and then praising God for His Immortal blessings.

6. How can I transform the world?

Practice the “Golden Rule” and demand everyone else follow it as well. If you see dishonesty in any form, or corruption, plots to harm others and the like you must speak up immediately or leave the situation as soon as possible and then explain in writing why you are leaving.  If everyone practiced this rule, the world would be transformed into paradise in a single day!

7. Is following the “Golden Rule” all that’s necessary?

For God’s Kingdom to be established there needs to be an Immortal culture created. The Kingdom of Heaven will come by human beings uniting as one or it will never happen. If we all played by the rules, everyone would win!

8. Why the “Golden Rule”?

All minds are connected. At the Ego level, minds are controlled by dark energies. Being honest and fair to others—especially when you dislike them—shows honor. This practice will transform others as “like will attract like.”

9. What is the Immortal Will?

It is the will for Immortality strengthened by connecting with God. Suitable candidates are males who practice sexual restraint. 

10. What is the problem with ejaculation?

When ejaculation is done for the purpose of bringing a new life into the world it is holy; otherwise, the male is perverting the Dynamic Ground of his being. The Dynamic Ground is the basic life force and is necessary for life to exist. 

11. What is the proof that Physical Immortality is possible?

I would appeal to the reader’s fairmindedness as a truth seeker: How do I feel after reading Jesus’ words at the Immortal Frequency? Are there shifts starting to occur? Is each day one of joyous blessings?

12. What about life after death?

There isn’t one. While there are metaphysical arguments which can be advanced for reincarnation, this does not mean you will continue your existence.

13.  Why are you so sure there is no afterlife?

Because belief in one is deadly! Instead of being holy today, Immortality is put off to some nebulous future. Today is the day of Salvation!

14. What does the morning practice consist of?

Holy vows to God; Activate the Spirit of Truth into your heart; meditate on the words in the Gospel of Thomas to be activated at the Immortal frequency; read a saying of Jesus aloud; meditate on Jesus’ words; praise God. This can be done in 20 minutes each morning as a daily practice.

15. What is light consciousness?

This is shifting from the Ego brain to Truth Consciousness. The Ego is connected to the prefrontal cortex of the brain; Truth Consciousness is located outside the brain, a few inches above the head.

16. Can I be an Immortal if I am in the Ego brain?

No. All minds at the Ego level are connected. Note that nearly all human beings reside at the Ego level as when self-consciousness arose in child development—at about the age 3-year of age—everyone’s consciousness shifts from Oneness to many. Because there really are evil entities, you will be subtly controlled by evil—even if this is done unwittingly.  

17.  How do I achieve Truth Consciousness?

Seekers will need to try out different ideas. For many, a small dose of THC, a psychoactive substance in cannabis, will be helpful. I would recommend edibles such as chocolate brownies (start at 10 mg) and monitor dosage.

18. Can the Kingdom of Heaven be brought into existence by loving each other?

No. God’s Kingdom will be brought into existence when Satan’s rule of this world has been overthrown. Jesus is not coming back; he never left. There is no “pie in the sky” which will save us.  Either good people demand paradise or it will never happen. Note that Jesus came to bring violence and war to this world! (Sayings 10, 16.) Perhaps after a major nuclear exchange in which 100’s of millions or billions die will be a wake-up call to those so-called Christians to start following the “Golden Rule” and demand everyone else follow it. The fact that they helped elect a psychopath for President of the USA shows these “Christians” are not followers of Jesus. 

19. Will being an Immortal transform the aging code?

Yes. With sustained practice, restored health and vitality will be the norm. Rejuvenating is one of the benefits of being an Immortal.

20. Can females be Immortal?

Yes. When a female honors a male who is an Immortal she strengthens him. Together they unite as one and she is transformed into an Immortal.

21. Are there any diets you would recommend?

No. Personally, I limit sugar intake and the consumption of red meats. Some claim that light consciousness requires a vegetarian diet. However, one’s spiritual intake is more important than one’s physical intake.

22. What higher-ordered archetypes are activated when Truth Consciousness is activate?

Truth Consciousness occurs when one is in right standing before God. The unity of opposites (see Saying 22) is transformative. As one is purified before God and cleansed of traumas, a dedication to the truth may arise. Note that when one is dedicated to the truth he will find he is often wrong; it’s a good idea to shift one’s position in this case—to the truth! Once a commitment to truth has arisen, then higher-ordered archetypes such as Honor, Wisdom, Courage, and Faith will arise. A great motto: “Truth must be Honored!”

23.  Are you trying to start a new religion?

No. I have no interest in money or power. When truth seekers start activating the Immortal words of Jesus they will be stunned! Restoring Jesus’ words to the Immortal Frequency is the only goal. To God be the Glory!