Wednesday, December 30, 2015

IRS 990 Form shows Baker Places lost over $700,000 in 2013

[PDF]December 25, 2015 at 1:46 PM ET EIN: 94 ... - GuideStar

The link above is a partial report from GuideStar, an organization which monitors nonprofits. This is an easy way to click on the 2013 and 2014 IRS forms (go to page 4 of the link).  It is interesting to note that at the beginning of 2013 Baker Places had a debt of over $93,000 (click form and go to balance sheet on page 12 of the 2013 990 form ) while at the end of the year it was in debt of $825,000. So somehow Baker Places lost over $700,000. How?

Also, the reader can go to:
Baker Places Inc , a link to 2013 and 2014 where a net loss of $732,000 was recorded.

Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Citizen Audit: See 2014 990 form tax document



From here go to top of page and click "Tax Documents (form 990s)" and then click "2014/06" form. Then go to page 12 for the balance sheet. Also, see Nov. 30 post on this blog for more info.

Monday, December 28, 2015

Demand Department of Public Health's Head, Barbara Garcia, fire Jonathan Vernick!

Dear Readers:

Below is a copy of a letter I am presently mailing via USPS to Barbara Garcia, the director of the Department of Public Health in San Francisco.  I am asking each reader to please send an email to: Also you can  telephone her at  (415)-554-2526 or write at 101 Grove Street, Room 308, San Francisco, CA 94102. Any help will be greatly appreciated as we need to rid Baker Places of Jonathan Vernick. Thank you for your assistance.

December 28, 2015

Dear Barbara Garcia:

Baker Places, Inc. had to pay over $825,000 in back taxes to the IRS in 2014. An additional $729,000 is still owed. Since I will be posting a copy of this letter on my blog, www.defundbakerplaces.blogpot.comI will provide my readers with a step-by-step guide in accessing this info:     

1. Go to for the 2014 990 form.
2. On top of page click "Tax Documents (form 990s)".
3. Type in "Baker Places, Inc" and download "2014/06" form
4. Go to page 12 , line 27 and see the $825,557 debt.

The  $1.6 million Jonathan Vernick has lost over the past decade or so shows he is unfit to be executive director of a nonprofit which is funded by the City and County of San Francisco. Thus, I am respectfully requesting that the new contract (beginning on July 1, 2016) require Vernick to step down and be replaced by one who is both honest and capable.
There are some insiders in Baker who are quite capable, such as Masami Endo, who knows how the funds are administered and could immediate take the position; also, on an interim basis I would volunteer for the position until I could find a suitable replacement.
As noted in my November 30, 2015 post on my blog, , it appears as though funds from an outside entity separate from Baker is comingling its funds with Baker Place’s funds. This is why an audit will be necessary to understand what is going and thus I urge you to request Ben Rosenfield to update its 2008 audit. Readers can access this by:
1. Go to
2. Click on “Find a Report” on the main page.
3. Type in “Baker Places, Inc.”
4. Click the “search” button to download.
Please note that the 2008 audit had 9 recommendations for the DPH to implement as a result of Baker's mismanagement (see page 3, "Recommendations").
Also, I am requesting that after a complete examination of the books at Baker that you and others at your office make a legal referral to the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) if there is found: embezzlement, theft of public funds, fraud and other crimes.

While visiting my blog, you might like to check out some popular posts:

      1. “How we got into this mess : a subjective first-person account” posted on November 5, 2015
      2. “Top ten reasons I hate Jonathan Vernick,” posted on December 6, 2015.
      3. "Jonathan Vernick: Wrongful eviction charge" posted on September 29, 2015.

      To resolve the above matter, I am requesting a meeting with you or an administrator at DPH by January 17, 2016. Please telephone me at (415)-865-0734, or email me at or write me at my home address. Thank you for your kind assistance in providing housing for the outcasts of our society!

      Sincerely Yours,

      Harry Petersen

      Saturday, December 12, 2015

      An Open Letter to the San Francisco Board of Supervisors: Why Jonathan Vernick Needs To Retire

      1) Jonathan Vernick nearly had Baker Places defunded when a Client Rights' Advocate was about to file fraud charges based upon a document she had him sign.  Source: April 9, 2015 letter in which Vernick admits to a real estate exchange and thus acknowledges he committed fraud, according to Fancher Larson, a rights' advocate, at 1663 Mission.

      2) Jonathan Vernick, who is about 65-years old, has mild, but chronic memory loss consistent with dementia. Others around him know this but are protecting him. Why? Sources: Dozens of personal observations and statements by three individuals who have known him for years.

      3) In the 2013-2014 fiscal year he lost over $825,000. out of a budget of $11.8 million. This should be a red flag that something is amiss. The Board of Supervisors need to demand some answers starting with the former CFO, Judith Stevenson. Source: IRS 2014 990 form.

      4) Jonathan Vernick defrauded a tenant out of over $200,000 by making a real estate trade but then later denying the exchange had taken place. Source:  Rent Board charge filed on August 10, 2015.

      5) According to 2008 audit by the Controller's office of San Francisco into Baker Places, Inc., there is a consistent pattern of unwillingness or inability to following accepted accounting principles. Source: See 2008 audit with San Francisco's Controller's Office. 

      6) Jonathan Vernick forged the name of the Chair of the Board, Nick Lederer on a document. I find this quite disturbing if true (and it is true) as it goes to the character of this man.  The March 31, 2015 letter (as was the April 9, 2015) was written by Fancher Larson on his behalf and given to me. The signature for this Internet copy could not have been signed by Mr. Lederer since he knew nothing about the letter when I asked him about it.  Sources: Fancher Larson and April letter sent to Mr. Lederer. 

      7) Jonathan Vernick had 6 clients removed from 54-56 Francis Street by having case managers tell various lies about repair to the building (when in fact the building was being sold to make up over a $825,000 loss from the previous year). This is disturbing because Jonathan Vernick and/or his representatives have created a culture of deception. Source: Personal observations.

      8) The mismanagement of funds has been going on for years and thus a police report was filed about possible embezzlement charges on September 2, 2015 with the San Francisco Police Department. Clearly, without Jonathan Vernick's immediate retirement, nothing will change. Source: See police report.

      Jonathan Vernick's Fraud Case: FAQs

      What is your concern about Jonathan Vernick?

      By his criminal conduct he has committed fraud of nearly $200,000. He illegally evicted me from my rent-controlled apartment at 56 Francis Street. Because he has dementia, he now cannot recall making the real estate exchange before three witnesses.

      Why not just file a lawsuit?

      A lawsuit will do nothing about Jonathan Vernick remaining at his position of Executive Director of Baker Places in which he disrespects both clients and employees. My goal is to advocate for his immediate removal.

      Why should I care?

      As a taxpayer of San Francisco you are supporting fraud and mismanagement of public funds. The nearly $12 million spent on this nonprofit could be spent on other projects and/or non-profits.

      What proof do you have of your claims?

      According to the IRS 990 form, Jonathan Vernick lost over $825,000 in the fiscal year 2013-2014. In addition, he has committed fraud against a tenant in a building Baker Places owned. Please visit for additional proof.

      Why don't you just go to the Baker Board of Directors?

      There is no functioning Board of Directors as after 25 years in the same position as executive director Jonathan Vernick runs Baker Places without any oversight.

      What other resources have you contacted for redress?

      The San Francisco Rent Board, The San Francisco Police Department, Community Health Services at 1380 Howard Street, nearly a dozen attorneys, several members of the San Francisco Board of Supervisors, the San Francisco Mayor's office, clients advocates at 1663 Mission, contacted the attorney for Jonathan Vernick, started a blog on September 18, 2015, contacted several members of the media, handed out documents to citizens calling for Jonathan Vernick's removal, and have made several other contacts.

      Do you really want Baker Places defunded?

      Yes. Although I would accept the position of Executive Director of Baker Places, because of my dedication to the Truth, I would have problems dealing with employees who have been made to do illegal and unethical acts. I fear Baker Places employees have been so corrupted that there is no way I could manage this nonprofit without dismissing many of the employees. The 10 programs which Baker Places administers can be given to another nonprofit such as the Progress Foundation.

      What can I do to help?

      Contact your supervisor and the mayor's office. Also, visit my blog at . I will be happy to provide additional documents and background information if you call me at 415-865-0734 or email me at

      Jonathan Vernick--Go Fuck Yourself! Info Sheet For Public Distribution

      Jonathan Vernick--Go Fuck Yourself!


      Are you tired of Jonathan Vernick's bullshit? Are you an employee of Baker Places who wants to tell "Jonathan Vernick--Go Fuck Yourself"? Are you a Jonathan Vernick hater?

      If so, here's your chance to rid Baker Places of Jonathan Vernick!

      1) Contact Jonathan Vernick directly at 517-6500 and tell him it is time to get the fuck out! Also, you can telephone Baker offices at 415-255-6544 and 415-864-4655. 

      2) Contact Vernick’s attorney, a Mike Lee, at 415-788-9000 or email: and tell him his client needs to get the fuck out!

      3) Visit for additional information.

      If we unite in the "Jonathan Vernick--Go Fuck Yourself!" Movement we can achieve together what we cannot do alone. So be part of a worthy cause and do a good deed today by telling Jonathan Vernick to go fuck himself!   

      Readers are invited to visit for information exposing Jonathan Vernick. He is a bad actor who has defrauded me out of $200,000, he stands accused of embezzlement, fraud, theft of public funds, forgery, corrupting his employees to engage in unlawful conduct, exposing Baker Places, Incorporation to civil charges which would have defunded Baker, and on and on. It is time for Jonathan Vernick to get the fuck out!

      Sunday, December 6, 2015

      Top Ten Reasons I Hate Jonathan Vernick

      Top Ten Reasons I Hate Jonathan Vernick

      1. Vernick likes to hurt people—I am very sorry to have to report this, but in my encounters with him from January 27, 2015 to February 24, 2015, I observed a definite streak of sadism in his personality. On several occasions, he showed delight in my having to suffer.

      2. Vernick is a con artist—My favorite Vernick con was when the house was sold on February 12, 2015 (and Vernick telephoned to tell me so as the IRS records verify) and then on Febraury 15, he telephones and asks if I would like to stay! I was confused; he telephoned a second time (left a message on my answering machine) saying I would be leaving after all. My best guess: Vernick wanted to renegotiate our original deal and somehow thought if I would agree to stay, he could then make a new agreement.

      3. Vernick corrupts those around him—From his employees who were forced to lie to tenants about they they were being evicted (repairing the building) to getting the Client Rights’ Group representative to do his bidding, he always tries to manipulate others to do unethical/unlawful acts.

      4. Vernick is in cognitive decline with dementia—It is obvious that 25 years ago when he first started as an executive director he was probably a sharp conman; today, his various manipulations are fairly transparent with someone with a sufficiently high I.Q. (my I.Q. is 135).

      5. Vernick has mismanaged the funds at Baker Places. While it is difficult to know if this mismanagement has been intentional (embezzlement) or just incompetence, it’s clear the finances at Baker are in a mess. See: the 2008 audit of Baker Places from the San Francisco Controller’s office and the IRS tax forms (see: November 30, 2015 post on this blog).

      6. Vernick has been in the same position for 25 years— I believe Baker Places needs fresh blood.  At some point he will need to retire and now is better than any time before.

      7. Vernick has corrupted the Baker Places Board of Directors—I hold the Baker Board responsible for failure to oversee his incompetence and also failure to respond to my requests for meetings with them. This is why he has gotten away with so much: there is no oversight of what he is doing.

      8. Vernick has not responded to request after request to peacefully resolve the conflict between him and me. You think I like having to meet with attorneys, the San Francisco Board of Supervisors, auditors, work on this blog, post info sheets in public places such as on street light lamps, and on and on…? But my honor is at stake and thus I will continue the good fight…

      9. Vernick has defrauded me out of my studio apartment—This whole mess started when Vernick wanted both a) the extra $200,000 my vacating from the Francis Street apartment would bring him and b) evicting me a second time from the Fulton Street apartment. If he was not going to honor the original deal (exchanging one apartment for another), he should not have made it. He could not do it in the first place as an attorney was needed to draw up a written contract, as required by law.

      10. Vernick has poor judgment—This fraud case has gone public because Fancher Larson of the Client Rights’ Group (at 1663 Mission) manipulated Vernick into signing a document which left Baker Places exposed to civil charges. Larson had intended to file fraud charges against Baker but I refused to allow her to do so. How does it happen that I could have defunded Baker if I had chosen? In my mind, this shows a man of poor judgment who is unfit to be an executive director of a nonprofit.

      Friday, December 4, 2015

      Jonathan Vernick--Go Fuck Yourself! Info Sheet For Public Distribution

      Jonathan Vernick--Go Fuck Yourself!


      Are you tired of Jonathan Vernick's bullshit? Are you an employee of Baker Places who wants to tell "Jonathan Vernick--Go Fuck Yourself"? Are you a Jonathan Vernick hater?

      If so, here's your chance to rid Baker Places of Jonathan Vernick!

      1) Contact Jonathan Vernick directly at 517-6500 and tell him it is time to get the fuck out! Also, you can telephone Baker offices at 415-255-6544 and 415-864-4655. 

      2) Contact Vernick’s attorney, a Mike Lee, at 415-788-9000 or email: and tell him his client needs to get the fuck out!

      3) Visit for additional information.

      If we unite in the "Jonathan Vernick--Go Fuck Yourself!" Movement we can achieve together what we cannot do alone. So be part of a worthy cause and do a good deed today by telling Jonathan Vernick to go fuck himself!   

      Readers are invited to visit for information exposing Jonathan Vernick. He is a bad actor who has defrauded me out of $200,000, he stands accused of embezzlement, fraud, theft of public funds, forgery, corrupting his employees to engage in unlawful conduct, exposing Baker Places, Incorporation to civil charges which would have defunded Baker, and on and on. It is time for Jonathan Vernick to get the fuck out!




      Tuesday, December 1, 2015

      News Article: Client Tells Executive Director "It's Time To Retire"

      A client of a mental health program told the executive director "it's time to retire"  in public postings such as stoplight poles, in coffee shops, and online on his blog, The client, Harry Petersen, alleges that the executive director of Baker Places, in San Francisco cheated him out of his studio apartment.

      “I was treated very kindly by Baker Places employees for several years and was happy to help out when Baker had a tax problem,” Petersen said. But things quickly went awry when he vacated and moved into a new studio apartment: “All I have received for the past six months are eviction threats; no good deed goes unpunished, I suppose” he said.

      The ‘tax problem’ is $1.6 million Baker Places owed to the IRS, according to the 2014, 990 form. $825,000 in back taxes were paid on February 12, 2015 after the Baker-owned building was sold. An addition $729,000 is still owed to the IRS.

      As a result of this case, Baker Places was nearly defunded from the nearly $12 million it receives from the City and County of San Francisco annually as a nonprofit. “Fancher Larson of the Clients’ Rights Group was about to file fraud charges against Baker, but I refused to allow her to do so,” Petersen said. The public scandal surrounding fraud would have likely defunded Baker Places, according legal experts.

      Both Jonathan Vernick, the executive director of Baker Places and Fancher Larson, a client rights’ advocate at 1663 Mission did not respond to requests from a reporter for comment.

      In Petersen’s public postings and on his blog he alleges a litany of charges against Jonathan Vernick: Fraud, mismanagement of funds, corrupting his employees to engage in unlawful conduct, exposing Baker Places to civil charges which would have defunded it, among other things. “Although Baker Places employees are the true heroes of our society by caring for its outcasts, its executive director is a bad actor who needs to resign,” Petersen said. As of press time, this public confrontation has not been resolved.