Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Good News: West Side Lodge Is Reborn!

Update on June 25, 2019: Since May 23, 2019 there have been weekly meetings at 120 Page every Thursday where clients use computers and attend classes. Apparently, the clients are being escorted from San Francisco General Hospital’s Psych ward. Thus, while West Side Lodge is being born, it is not a done deal as clients are not living there. Hopefully, as the apartments are cleaned out clients will be admitted for 90-day periods before they are referred to other resources in the mental health system. I invite my readers to contact your public officials to ensure that 120 Page Street is used for its intended purpose and not to be sold for an estimated $3.4 million.  

West Side Lodge, located at 120 Page Street, existed from about 1980 to 2005 and served about 30 clients for 90-day periods. These clients generally were escorted from San Francisco General psych ward to a residential program so they could be referred to other resources in the mental health system.

After 2005 West Side Lodge closed down as Jonathan Vernick turned it into an office space for employees and rented the apartments above. According to Baker Places insiders, Vernick had been attempting to sell the building, worth an estimated $3.4 million, as of 2017. 

As of May 23, 2019, West Side Lodge has been reborn! I received a document showing that 120 Page Street is now opening its apartments to clients from SFGH psych ward. This is great news as this donated building will not be sold after all!  And the taxpayers of San Francisco will see that their investment is used for its intended purpose: To house those who need referrals in the mental health system.

I wish to thank the readers of the blog , the  Director of Public Health, Dr. Grant Colfax, and Mayor London Breed for their assistance in making this happen.

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