Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Love Unites Us!

Note to readers: In this time of great distress, it’s great to know that the ties which unite us are stronger than those which would tear us apart. Thus, I repost “Love Unites Us!” first posted on June 13, 2016 in honor of 49 who were slain at the Pulse club in Orlando.

Love unites us. Love is the force which unifies us as one. Love is the foundation of all transcendental values: Faith, hope, truth, honor, justice all have at their roots in the connection human beings feel for each other. Without love, human beings dissolve into wild animals in which it’s “survival of the fittest,” without regard to the other.

Today, we stand with our brothers and sisters in Orlando, Florida in which 49 people were massacred in an execution-style horror. Apparently, the shooter was motivated by his hatred of gays as he targeted a popular gay nightclub, Pulse, in which gay Latinos were celebrating their pride. In face of this hate, our response must be rooted in love.

All open societies face the paradox of how to love the unlovable. How to be tolerant to the intolerant. How to allow freedoms to those who want to take freedoms away. I have had to face this paradox with Jonathan Vernick as I have evidence that he has abused dozens in his nearly 30-year reign of terror. Update: Finally, on March 31, 2017 Mr. Vernick left Baker Places. Glory to God!

Love is an evolutionary force which will unite us as one. In this oneness we will be one without regard to race, creed, or sexual orientation. Please open your hearts today by performing a senseless act of kindness towards another. Love, unconditional love, is all there is!

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