Thursday, March 16, 2017

Overview of the Jonathan Vernick Case and an Analysis

Brief Overview of Case:

On August 10, 2015, I, Harry Petersen, filed fraud charges against Jonathan Vernick with the rent board. See: Jonathan Vernick: Wrongful Eviction Charge.  

On June 15, 2016, the Baker Board met and agreed to merge with Positive Resources after listening to testimony showing criminal conduct of Jonathan Vernick. See:    Baker Places Board of Director’s Meeting on June 15, 2016: Reporter’s Notes.  The agreement was for Jonathan Vernick to step down as Executive Director of Baker Places and for Brett Andrews, the CEO of Positive to take over both groups.

According to the press releases of both groups, the transition was to occur on October 31, 2016. See:  Baker Places: Residential Treatment Centers  AND Positive Resource Center: Welcome. But Vernick has now reneged on this agreement and remains the Executive Director of Baker Places as the Baker website indicates.

 Analysis of the Situation:

There are several actors in this interesting situation:

 * Brett Andrews, CEO of Positive Resource Center—I encourage him and his group to go the members of the Board of Supervisors and see that Mr. Andrews is the Executive Director of the merged groups. Also, I would encourage them to confer with Barbara Garcia and demand the original agreement be upheld.

* Members of the Board of Supervisors—Two members who I would highly recommend contacting are Aaron Peskin and Jane Kim. Also, you can contact the supervisors who represents you in your district. See:

* Barbara Garcia—She is a kind person who has worked hard to create a world-class Department of Public Health. However, she needs to be given some courage in dealing with the Trump-like psychopath of Jonathan Vernick. I strongly encourage readers to contact her at

Next Step:

Reluctantly, I will have to publicly campaign against Barbara Garcia since she is the one with the power to do anything about Vernick. The supervisors will just refer me to her; Jonathan Vernick is impossible to deal with as what he really needs to a criminal indictment for his conduct over the past 33 years.  The campaign will consists of public flyers, reports on this blog, and conferring with various members of the San Francisco Board of Supervisors. The Goal: The original agreement stated in the press releases on June 20, 2016 stands: Andrews takes over and Vernick leaves.

Readers are encouraged to do whatever you can to assist. Please contact me at if I can be of further help. Thank you.


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