Thursday, January 26, 2017

One Man’s Opinion: Insights About Me and the World

Note: The following are my views and preferences about various topics. They are not intended to represent the final truth, but instead are a snapshot of the insights which I have today.

1) While different people appear to perform optimally to different diets, here’s my own preference: Red meat, veggies such as spinach, broccoli, carrots, and red bell peppers. I include almond butter for additional fat. I need red meat as the iron in the meat keeps me strong; elsewise, I grow weak and anemic. Note: I avoid all sugar and carbs.

2) My favorite drink is black coffee which I drink about 4-5 cups per day. I abstain from alcohol and all mind-alternating substances except for marijuana which I use for spiritual purposes.

3) I avoid all interactions with females (to extent possible) since they have the upper hand in any social situation: The female brain is wired such that their left hemisphere and right hemisphere are connected via the corpus callosum. In general, males can only use only side of their brain at a time with the exception of 1% of males who are both homosexual and have a female-pattern brain. Note: 80% of gays have a male-patterned brain and are males except for their sexual orientation. The remaining 20% of gays are sissies.

4) Because of how the female brain is wired, females have good insight into social situations which allows them to control males without males realizing they are being manipulated. In general, males have poor social insights and weaker verbal skills than females. Because males are no longer allowed to beat the shit out of females who fuck them up, females can fuck males up without any consequences. Thus, I would never dream of getting near one of these demonic creatures. 

5) At the upper end of intelligence there are no females. The upper end starts at 150 and would correlate with to Albert Einstein’s I.Q. With rare exceptions (such as females who were drenched with testosterone in the womb) their I.Q. tops out at 130. All bright females at this level are either asexual or lesbian. Note that the mean I.Q. is 100. In comparison, the average physician has an I.Q. of 125 while attorneys have an average I.Q. of 120 with police officers having an average I.Q. of 103.
Note: My I.Q. is 135.

6) I wonder why automobiles are not put on multilevel tracks similar to train tracks, underground tracks, and electro-magnetic tracks? The many major advantages include:  

a) Eliminate all accidents and deaths owing to automobiles.

b) Run on electricity which would be powered by a mix of wind, solar, and nuclear. Please note that wind turbines and solar panels have no way of storing energy—which means there is no energy produced when there is no wind or at night. The alternatives to nuclear energy are coal and natural gas, both of which are destroying the atmosphere.

c) Private ownership of cars would be unnecessary as all automobiles will operate only on various tracks. 

d) Amazon would be able to deliver an order to your door within one hour, free of charge (there will be no drivers).

7) I wonder if Christians realize that nearly all New Testament scholars know that the New Testament is a complete forgery? From the Gospel of John which is a complete forgery to books such as I Timothy, II Timothy, and Titus which fraudulently claim to have been written by Paul. Please note the reason these books were accepted into the canon: They had the apostle Paul’s name attached to them; otherwise, they would not have been accepted. The 27 books of the New Testament are littered with 100s of forgeries. Someone needs to inform these poor Christians that the Roman Catholics have deceived them for nearly 2,000 years!

8) If I were a Russian strategist, I would recommend a limited first-strike nuclear attack on the United States. Because Trump is so compromised with Putin, it is unlikely he would respond to such an attack in any meaningful way. I strongly encourage the American people to wake up to this real possibility before it’s too late….

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