Monday, October 17, 2016

Editorial: Defending Donald Trump from the ‘Tape’ Being Release

Donald J. Trump is truly an awful individual. He is a complete idiot without much knowledge about much of anything. The Republican Party needs to get fucked and fucked good for allowing Trump to represent them.

But no matter how uncivilized and uncouth someone is, this does not give you the right to treat him with less than a modicum of respect; after all, they are human beings. Once you allow any precedent without challenging it, you encourage it to be repeated. The American public have been subjected to a private, off-the-record conversation between Trump and Billy Bush (a nephew to George W. Bush) talking locker-room trash. See: Trump recorded having extremely lewd conversation about women . Here we have what both individuals assumed were off-the-record comments from 11 years ago. Is this the world we want to live in? Where any stray recommend made to anyone at any time might wind up on the Internet? Common decency would answer: “No!”

The problem is this: If this world allows anyone to be shamed by comments which were intended to be private, then there is no point in continuing civilized society. Some of Trump’s supporters are calling on Valdimir Putin to nuke the USA after Hillary Clinton is elected president on November 8, 2016. Perhaps with a billion of the world’s population killed, a few people might wake up to a fact: When I fuck someone over, I will one day, somewhere get fucked myself. “As ye sow, so shall ye reap.”

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