Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Letter To Mayor Lee: Demand Jonathan Vernick's Removal

Below is a copy of a letter I hand delivered to the Office of the Mayor, Yesterday, October 5, 2015. My goal is to have a  tête-à-tête with one of his aides.

October 5, 2015
Dear Mayor Lee:
What if you knew you were supporting fraud? Would you do something about it? Here’s your chance to spend the taxpayer’s monies wisely by defunding Baker Places, a non-profit funded at $11.8  million per year by San Francisco.
My goal is to ensure the taxpayer's monies of San Francisco are well-managed by removing Jonathan Vernick from  Baker Places, Inc. He lost over $800,000 in 2014 of taxpayer's funds (see 2013-2014 IRS 990 form); he has memory loss consistent with dementia; he has engaged in unethical and illegal conduct including fraud, illegal evictions, forgery, and so forth (documents supporting these claims are available at http://www.defundbakerplaces.blogspot.com ).
The paradox is this: While Baker Places funds about 10 different programs designed to help populations in need of housing such as HIV+ individuals, it is being badly managed by a man who is about 65-year whose brain is no longer functioning at its optimal performance. Since there is no working board of directors at Baker Places, and other channels of redress have been blocked (because in over 25 years in the same position he wields a lot of control), I have to ask you, the mayor of the city, for help. Thanks again for your response as I will come by next week to schedule an appointment to discuss the removal of Jonathan Vernick from Baker Places.
Sincerely Yours,

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