Monday, September 21, 2015

Why do his employees protect Jonathan Vernick when he has memory loss?

Yesterday, September 20, 2015 I spoke with a long-term former employee at Baker Places. When I mentioned to him about Jonathan Vernick's memory problems he replied, "Oh, yes, I had problems dealing with his memory loss for years !"

But why did he and others protect him?

In my particular case, I entered a real estate agreement in which I trade one apartment (56 Francis Street) for another apartment (337 Fulton Street). This gave Baker Places and extra $200,000 by selling an empty house. Now after moving out of a rent-controlled apartment the fraud has been in full view for a few months:
Deny any agreement had taken place. A very clever response since Jonathan Vernick apparently cannot recall if the meeting happened or not because of memory loss.

Investigators should talk to employees about Jonathan Vernick's memory loss and why it is tolerated. From my view, I could care less about his memory loss except that the taxpayers are supporting him (it appears that his salary is $200,000 per year). Thus, I call upon the San Francisco Board of Supervisors to defund Baker Places since merely removing Jonathan Vernick will not solve the problem owing to the corruption of the entire organization.

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