Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Readers: Demand Your United States' Senator Remove Trump Before He Starts WW III!

Note to readers: This essay was originally posted on my sister blog, www.thomasimmortality.blogspot.com on January 7, 2020.

Dear Readers:

The war we were expecting is upon us: Donald Trump ordered the assassination of a military leader of a foreign country. This is by definition an act of war as if he had someone killed as a private citizen he would be charged with murder; since it was done under the color of being the “commander-in-chief” of the military this is considered okay. In fact, it is not okay as it is a de facto declaration of war. While it is true that Maj. Gen. Qassim Suleimani, who was the second in command of Iran, was responsible for hundreds of Americans being killed, it is George W. Bush’s ill-advised war with Iraq which caused tens of thousands of deaths during the Iraqi-American war starting in 2003. 

In addition to having a leader of a foreign head of state killed, Trump says he wants to take out 52 culture sites in Iran. It is against international law to target culture sites during a war. The very idea that Trump would threaten this makes him a terrorist. I have no doubt that Iran will respond and respond forcefully to Trump’s war crimes.

At present, there is an impeachment trail pending in the United States Senate since Trump was impeached by the House for an act of treason and obstruction of justice. This trial will probably take place within the next two months.

As noted is a previous post, August 28, 2018, my concern with Trump being president is the possibility of a nuclear war with Russia. It is also possible that China might get involved as well since they have close ties to Iran. Events could easily spiral out of control in the matter of weeks to the point that a nuclear war is a realistic possibility.

Call to action: Please contact your United States' Senator and have Donald J. Trump removed before he starts world War III.

Please see a previous post on this blog: 

1) This was originally posted on August 28, 2018 and was an update of an original post of November 14, 2016

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