Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Co-Exisiting Peacefully with Baker Places: A letter to Luisa Francisco

Readers: This is a draft copy of a letter which I am presently sending to Lusia Francisco, a financial manager at Baker Places.

April 9, 2019

Dear Luisa Francisco:

Thank you for meeting with me this past April 3, 2019 at Baker Places' office, 120 Page Street, between about 9:30 A.M. to10 A.M. During our meeting you accepted April's rent and gave me Baker Places new address in which to send May's rent:

"Baker Places, Inc.
170 9th Street

Also, you gave Bakers' new telephone number as: 415-777-0333.

During the meeting you requested that I send both February's rent check and May's rent check the in May. Per agreement the checks will be sent certified mail early in May. Please instruct anyone working at the front desk that he needs to sign the return receipt so I have proof of payment.

Based upon your agreement to accept all future rent checks at the address above, an attorney has advised me to not engage in any public campaign. My two conditions for peaceful co-existence:
1) The rent checks are accepted and everything is okay with the rent.
2) The "Defund Baker Places" Blog remains in place.

Should Jonathan Vernick wish to honor his agreement on January  27, 2015 and send me a contract that is approved by the Baker Board, then I will consider taking the blog from public view.
Again, thanks for meeting with me as I hope we can continue to co-exist peacefully.

Sincerely Yours,


(Harry Petersen)

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