Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Giving Thanks on Thanksgiving Day!

In the Spirit of the season I will give thanks:

1. To the Spirit of Truth: Thank you for guiding me into deeper understandings and epiphanies. Every day is a joyous shift into oneness!

2. To the dedicated employees of what was Baker Places and is now Positive Resource Center: Thank you for your dedication to the outcasts of society. Your work is invaluable and is commendable!

3. To God: Thanks for my perfect health. I tend to take it for granted, but those who are ill suffer immensely. Thanks, God!

4. To Jesus: Thank you for manifesting in the flesh and showing the world how to resurrect with you by activating your Immortal words: They are life!

5. To the readers of this blog: May this Thanksgiving Day be a joyous one of good cheer!

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