Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Reconnecting With God: The Holy Vow

The following post was originally posted on my sister blog, Readers are invited to visit this site for additional insights.

If the reader will indulge me with a bit of mythmaking, I shall give a story of how everything began:

About 13.7 billion years ago a divine spark ignited an explosion and there was light! If the Kabbalah is to be believed, there are 49 universes in total. See: The Multidimensional Universe - Esoteric Science.

Our universe expanded and continues to increase the rate of its expansion. Side note: Recent experimental data indicates that the “Inflationary Model,” which posited that the universe would eventually collapse in on itself is probably wrong. See: Cosmic inflation is dead, long live cosmic inflation! | New Scientist.

In the process of combining basic elements, eventually the chemistry for life was created. In our universe a small chunk of rock near the edge of the Milky Way Galaxy met several of the key conditions for sentient life to exist: Water, just the right distance from the sun (the “goldilocks region”) and an iron core.

In any case, about 2 million years ago, primitive man started eating fish. This massive amount of protein greatly enlarged the brain. See: Ancient 'Brain Food' Helped Humans Get Smart - Live Science. As the brain became complex enough, there was a second divine spark: Self-awareness! Self-consciousness or self-awareness is your connection with God. At this point, primitive man was still one since his actions were done by instinct.

Now the drama thickens as with awareness came hierarchical social structures. This means smarter people can control other people. Enter the Ego. The Ego plays a double role:

a) It says a person is responsible for his actions and thus can be rewarded or punished accordingly,

b) Evil energy forms can use this construct to feed off human life. Why would God allow this? My best answer: This is God’s play and He gets to write the script however He chooses.

About 2,000 years ago, a peasant from Galilee created a stir by announcing God’s Kingdom was at hand. Since this did not go over well with the authorities of the day they murdered him. But then an earth-shaking event occurred: Jesus Resurrected From the Dead! In addition to a physical resurrection, there was a third divine spark: An energy center or chakra was constructed above the head which when activated could allow the truth of how the brain was being used by dark forces to feed off human life. This light consciousness or Truth Consciousness allows for a shifting of one’s awareness to above the brain (this is when one is “born again” or translated more accurately: “born from above).

In addition, this divine spark could allow for union with Jesus at the Immortal Frequency. As the initiate starts to receive glimpses of how his brain is being used, the Ego starts to dissolve as illumination=transformation. When the manipulation of Satan is seen, it no longer works since this creature likes to operate in darkness.

Finally, we come to the Holy Vow. The Holy vow is one in which the seeker gives up to God. Each morning the Holy Vow is renewed by being said aloud. Sample: “Dear Father—I give you everything, my heart, my soul, my entire being. Please give me the strength to do your will this day. Thanks, God.” This Holy Vow reconnects you with God each day!

Moreover, the Holy Vow will begin a connection with God at the light consciousness. This level of consciousness is at the Immortal level. Note that it was through Jesus’ Resurrection that that this Immortal level was created. By uniting as Jesus’ Twin, the initiate becomes mystically unified with Jesus. On this day, when you were two, a fourth divine spark occurs: You will be one again as you will know:


Q:  Who are you?


A: I am the child of the Living Father.


Q: Where did you come from?


A: I came from the light, the place where the light into being by itself.


Q: What is the proof of God in you?


A: It is motion and it is rest.


Jesus, Gospel of Thomas, Saying 50.


By reconnecting to God with one’s Holy Vow each morning, we return to the light—the place where the light came into being by itself!

Monday, November 28, 2016

Catechism for the Thomas Immortality Project

The post below was originally posted on my sister blog, Readers are invited to visit this site for additional insights.

Below is a catechism—a short question-and-answer structure—meant to clarify key insights. 

1. What is the purpose of the Thomas Immortality Project?

To restore Jesus’ original message: Eternal Life—Physical Immortality—is available right here, right now.

2. How do I become a Physical Immortal?

Activate the Immortal words of Jesus before reading them aloud: “God, please activate Jesus’ words to the Immortal frequency so I can be a physical Immortal as Jesus is. Thanks, God.”

3. What is the first step in becoming an Immortal?

Develop the will for Immortality. This is a shift in thinking from considering just the short term; instead, develop structures which are solid. 

4. What is a solid structure?

Truth. When one is a truth seeker, an immediate shift occurs: More truth will be revealed!

5. How can readers help transform the world?

By spending a few minutes activating Jesus Immortal words, reading the words aloud, meditating on the words, and then praising God for His Immortal blessings.

6. How can I transform the world?

Practice the “Golden Rule” and demand everyone else follow it as well. If you see dishonesty in any form, or corruption, plots to harm others and the like you must speak up immediately or leave the situation as soon as possible and then explain in writing why you are leaving.  If everyone practiced this rule, the world would be transformed into paradise in a single day!

7. Is following the “Golden Rule” all that’s necessary?

For God’s Kingdom to be established there needs to be an Immortal culture created. The Kingdom of Heaven will come by human beings uniting as one or it will never happen. If we all played by the rules, everyone would win!

8. Why the “Golden Rule”?

All minds are connected. At the Ego level, minds are controlled by dark energies. Being honest and fair to others—especially when you dislike them—shows honor. This practice will transform others as “like will attract like.”

9. What is the Immortal Will?

It is the will for Immortality strengthened by connecting with God. Suitable candidates are males who practice sexual restraint. 

10. What is the problem with ejaculation?

When ejaculation is done for the purpose of bringing a new life into the world it is holy; otherwise, the male is perverting the Dynamic Ground of his being. The Dynamic Ground is the basic life force and is necessary for life to exist. 

11. What is the proof that Physical Immortality is possible?

I would appeal to the reader’s fairmindedness as a truth seeker: How do I feel after reading Jesus’ words at the Immortal Frequency? Are there shifts starting to occur? Is each day one of joyous blessings?

12. What about life after death?

There isn’t one. While there are metaphysical arguments which can be advanced for reincarnation, this does not mean you will continue your existence.

13.  Why are you so sure there is no afterlife?

Because belief in one is deadly! Instead of being holy today, Immortality is put off to some nebulous future. Today is the day of Salvation!

14. What does the morning practice consist of?

Holy vows to God; Activate the Spirit of Truth into your heart; meditate on the words in the Gospel of Thomas to be activated at the Immortal frequency; read a saying of Jesus aloud; meditate on Jesus’ words; praise God. This can be done in 20 minutes each morning as a daily practice.

15. What is light consciousness?

This is shifting from the Ego brain to Truth Consciousness. The Ego is connected to the prefrontal cortex of the brain; Truth Consciousness is located outside the brain, a few inches above the head.

16. Can I be an Immortal if I am in the Ego brain?

No. All minds at the Ego level are connected. Note that nearly all human beings reside at the Ego level as when self-consciousness arose in child development—at about the age 3-year of age—everyone’s consciousness shifts from Oneness to many. Because there really are evil entities, you will be subtly controlled by evil—even if this is done unwittingly.  

17.  How do I achieve Truth Consciousness?

Seekers will need to try out different ideas. For many, a small dose of THC, a psychoactive substance in cannabis, will be helpful. I would recommend edibles such as chocolate brownies (start at 10 mg) and monitor dosage.

18. Can the Kingdom of Heaven be brought into existence by loving each other?

No. God’s Kingdom will be brought into existence when Satan’s rule of this world has been overthrown. Jesus is not coming back; he never left. There is no “pie in the sky” which will save us.  Either good people demand paradise or it will never happen. Note that Jesus came to bring violence and war to this world! (Sayings 10, 16.) Perhaps after a major nuclear exchange in which 100’s of millions or billions die will be a wake-up call to those so-called Christians to start following the “Golden Rule” and demand everyone else follow it. The fact that they helped elect a psychopath for President of the USA shows these “Christians” are not followers of Jesus. 

19. Will being an Immortal transform the aging code?

Yes. With sustained practice, restored health and vitality will be the norm. Rejuvenating is one of the benefits of being an Immortal.

20. Can females be Immortal?

Yes. When a female honors a male who is an Immortal she strengthens him. Together they unite as one and she is transformed into an Immortal.

21. Are there any diets you would recommend?

No. Personally, I limit sugar intake and the consumption of red meats. Some claim that light consciousness requires a vegetarian diet. However, one’s spiritual intake is more important than one’s physical intake.

22. What higher-ordered archetypes are activated when Truth Consciousness is activate?

Truth Consciousness occurs when one is in right standing before God. The unity of opposites (see Saying 22) is transformative. As one is purified before God and cleansed of traumas, a dedication to the truth may arise. Note that when one is dedicated to the truth he will find he is often wrong; it’s a good idea to shift one’s position in this case—to the truth! Once a commitment to truth has arisen, then higher-ordered archetypes such as Honor, Wisdom, Courage, and Faith will arise. A great motto: “Truth must be Honored!”

23.  Are you trying to start a new religion?

No. I have no interest in money or power. When truth seekers start activating the Immortal words of Jesus they will be stunned! Restoring Jesus’ words to the Immortal Frequency is the only goal. To God be the Glory!

Saturday, November 26, 2016

Notes for the Gospel of Thomas Student

This post was originally posted on my sister blog . Readers are invited to visit this site for additional insights.

1. Two excellent resources:

a. The Gospel of Thomas by Richard Valantasis (Routledge, 1997). See: The Gospel of Thomas (New Testament Readings): Richard ....

This text is written by a true scholar in Early Christian Literture. The introductory chapters include the 20 sayings of Thomas which were originally written in Greek (chapter 2). The commentary on each saying is insightful and thoughtful: Professor Valantasis treats this text as a playground of ideas to be shared. This is a must resource for any serious Thomas student.

b. The Fifth Gospel: A Verse-By-Verse New Age Commentary on the Gospel of Thomas  by Robert Winterhalter (Harper and Row, 1988). This is a workbook with affirmations. Each saying is given a new age tint with an emphasis on the “I AM” or the Divine Christ inside of me. Those readers who need uplift and strength are encouraged to obtain this slender volume of 120 pages: The Fifth Gospel: A Verse-By-Verse New Age ... -


2. Giving a Holy Vow to God is the first step to Immortality: “Dear Living Father: I surrender my all to you. My heart. My soul. My life. Please raise me up with Son, Jesus, and let me be a physical immortality.” This vow is between you and God and is said aloud each morning. Perhaps you can write out a Holy Vow. Be sure to give thanks to God!

3. The True Will for Physical Immortality needs to be cultivated. How much you want to be an Immortal will determine the amount of output of energy to achieve this outcome. The True Will is foundational to constructing the Immortal Will. The Immortal Will is a spiritually-engineered structure which goes from above the head through the front of the body to the earth. This is why a daily morning practice of studying Thomas is recommended: Each day renew your Holy Vows, invite the Holy Spirit of Truth into your heart, meditate on Jesus’s words and praise God. This can all be done in less than 20 minutes each morning.


4. The Immortal allows the energy from the Dynamic Ground to flow to the top of the head instead of perverting this energy through masturbation. The Dynamic Ground is the primal energy of what makes you go. In males, this energy is usually directed to the balls and will be sexually released through ejaculation. This common response is deadly! Immortal do not masturbate as this primal energy is used to construct the Immortal Will.

5. The “Ego-Alien” Hypothesis claims the Ego is being used to feed off human life. This hypothesis is strongly supported by the Thomas Immortality Project as through direct experience we have seen evil. Those of a rational mindset will consider this view crazy. Yet where do your thoughts come from? Any careful observer will see that there are dozens of voices using the brain and subvocalizing while talking to each other. This is why beginning meditation students learn to focus on their breath until the thoughts go away. Don’t you think it’s funny you have all these subpersonalities talking to each other all day long? These voices are what the alien energies use to subtly control you to make certain moves. Until you have been given a glimpse of this, it will appear as though we have entered an alternative universe with a different set of rules—which in fact we have!

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Giving Thanks on Thanksgiving Day!

In the Spirit of the season I will give thanks:

1. To the Spirit of Truth: Thank you for guiding me into deeper understandings and epiphanies. Every day is a joyous shift into oneness!

2. To the dedicated employees of what was Baker Places and is now Positive Resource Center: Thank you for your dedication to the outcasts of society. Your work is invaluable and is commendable!

3. To God: Thanks for my perfect health. I tend to take it for granted, but those who are ill suffer immensely. Thanks, God!

4. To Jesus: Thank you for manifesting in the flesh and showing the world how to resurrect with you by activating your Immortal words: They are life!

5. To the readers of this blog: May this Thanksgiving Day be a joyous one of good cheer!

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Readers: Activate the Immortal Words of Jesus and Transform the World!

The following post was originally posted on my sister blog Readers are invited to visit this site for additional insights.

The foundation of the Thomas Immortality Project is activating the words of Jesus to the Immortal Frequency.

The words of Jesus as recorded in the original layer of the Gospel of Thomas were spoken by the Resurrected Jesus (see Prologue—introduction of Thomas and written before saying 1); these were spoken at the Immortal Frequency. The original layer of Jesus’ words as recorded by his brother Judas Thomas (see Prologue) can be deduced by correlating the sayings in the Gospel of Thomas (which was written in Coptic Egyptian) with the Greek papyri (these were found in 1897 and 1904 by Grenfell and Hunt) to the Gospel of Q (a saying book used by Matthew and Luke). These are three independent sources of Jesus’ words. Please note as the New Testament scholar Bart Erhman has shown the New Testament is a fraudulent document written or approved by the Roman Catholics (see: The Bart Ehrman Blog); while the New Testament does contain many of the original sayings of Jesus, it is filled with dozens of forgeries such as Mark 16: 9-20 and John 7: 53-8:11 and thus the New Testament cannot be used as a legitimate source of sayings of Jesus.  In practice, I accept the words in Thomas as Jesus’ Immortal words as New Testament scholar Stephen Patterson has shown in The Lost Way: How Two Forgotten Gospels Are Rewriting the Story of Christian Origins at least 53 of the sayings in Thomas are the authentic sayings of Jesus.

The following are some suggestions to activate Jesus' words:


1. Invite the Holy Spirit of Truth to be activated in your heart.

This step is foundational as it is with the Spirit of Truth that one’s words vibrate at a higher frequency. A perceptive reader will immediately see that individuals who are not in right standing with God cannot be Immortals since they cannot activate the Spirit of Truth


2. Meditate on Jesus’ words being activated at the Immortal Frequency.


The initiate can focus for 10 minutes or so on the words of Jesus vibrating at the Immortal Frequency. As noted above, Jesus’ words already are at the Immortal Frequency; they merely need to be activated by the seeker (sayings 1, 2, 108). Through daily practice the Immortal-to-be builds faith that through the speaking of Jesus words, he will be transformed into an Immortal. 


3. Find a statement or saying of Jesus which moves you or stirs your interest.

Example: A powerful exchange between Jesus’ followers and Jesus occurs in saying 18:

The followers said to Jesus “Tell us how our end will be.”

Jesus said, “Have you discovered the beginning, then, so that you are seeking the end? For where the beginning is, the end will be. Fortunate is one who stands at the beginning: That one will know the end and will not taste death.”


4. Before speaking Jesus’ words aloud, ask for his words to vibrate at the Immortal Frequency.

This can be a simple prayer such as: “God please activate Jesus’ words to the Immortal Frequency. Thank you.”

Note to advanced students: Those who know about chakras can activate the throat chakra or the 5th energy center in the body. The initiate is constructing an Immortal Will which is a pole-like structure which extends from above the head through the front torso of the body and down through the earth. Males who practice sexual restraint are suitable candidates for constructing the Immortal Will. 


5. Speak the words of Jesus aloud.

Readers are invited to obtain hard copies of the following translations of the Gospel of Thomas:





6. Reflect upon the words of Jesus and ask the Spirit of Truth to show you what it means for you.

This can be done throughout the day. This is why morning practice is highly recommended.

Example: In saying 18 cited above what does Jesus mean by “For where the beginning is, the end will be?” There is no single right answer here! Each seeker may receive insights which will be a blessing to him. In fact, each time the seeker reads a saying anew, he might receive new insights. This is how the Holy Spirit of Truth works!

To me, one important insight in saying 18 is a theme which runs throughout Thomas: By returning to Adam—the first Immortal (see saying 85) – we can return to the beginning. This was before you became self-conscious and usually occurs about 3-years of age in child development. At this point, your brain constructed an artificial construct, the Ego, which would allow one to interact in the ‘real world.’ By becoming a child again (see sayings 4, 22, and 37), one shifts one’s consciousness from the Ego brain to Truth Consciousness. Truth Consciousness is located above the head and is activated as part of the Immortal Will. Activation of Truth Consciousness occurs through a dedication to the truth—this is the light consciousness. 


7. Give thanks to God.

 Gratitude to God for being alive is the greatest praise one can give to God! Give gratitude, praise, and thanksgiving to God for all His wonderful blessings. Give thanks to God for the possibility of transforming into a physical Immortal. This should be done for a few minutes after saying Jesus’ words aloud.

Summary: Each reader of this blog has the glorious opportunity to help shift the consciousness of the world from self-destruction  to eternal life. By your practice, you will be creating a resonance which will affect others (since your brain is connected to all other brains), lifting the world’s consciousness to the Immortal Frequency.

The practice which is outlined above will take about 20 minutes each morning. Meditate on Jesus’ words throughout the day. Put into practice the “Golden Rule” (see saying 6). Be clear that Jesus is not some weak-willed Obama-like wimp. Jesus came to set the world on fire! (see sayings 10, 16.) Knowing when to be aggressive or passive is a matter of wisdom; the goal is progress until there is perfection. There is not a simple formula which will tell you how to respond in any given situation. This is why activating the Spirit of Truth is of paramount importance. Note that you always have to right to say nothing.

I wish to thank each reader of this blog as through your kind attention there can be the beginning to the end: The transformation of this world into the Kingdom of God where paradise has been restored!

Monday, November 14, 2016

Readers: Demand Donald Trump Be Arrested For Treason!

Premise 1: Donald Trump is a psychopath.

Premise 2: Normal rules of engagement do not apply to psychopaths.

Conclusion: To defeat a psychopath one must start and end at the highest level of attack!

Case Example: When FBI director James Comey sent a letter to congress on October 28, 2016 claiming that Hillary Clinton emails were being criminally investigated, Comey violated federal law which prohibits any public official from interfering with a federal election within 60 days of the election. As it turned out, his claim was baseless and he retracted it 9 days later. Any politico worth his salt knew that Comey, a Republican, hated Clinton. While it’s unclear if he worked with Trump’s people, Trump greatly benefitted them by Comey's actions.

Response: James Comey should have been arrested on October 28, 2016 for violating federal law. 

What the Clinton-Obama team did: Nothing.

Some might say, “Is it  not a bit of an overreaction to arrest the FBI director for violating federal law?” Exactly. This is why Trump is going to the White House....

How to handle Trump: Every day starting after Labor Day, there should have been discussions of lawsuits against Trump University (which alleged he defrauded students), harassment suits from women, the IRS should have audited him, the Justice Department should have filed criminal charges for any misdeeds they could find, states in which Trump has done business should have brought criminal charges. Also, Trump himself should have been investigated for treason for his close ties to Putin.  By the time November 8, 2016 came—if Trump had not already been arrested—he would have been glad to lose the election!

What Happened: Nothing.

Analysis: What the press did not and does not realize is the fact that Donald Trump is a psychopath. He feels no guilt or shame about his misconduct as he is unaware he has ever done anything wrong! To report on the statements or deeds of a psychopath is a complete waste of time. The readers can know who Trump is by reading his text, The Art of the Deal: A clever psychopath who will break all rules, manipulate others to do his bidding, and plot all sorts of schemes. This means Trump outplayed Clinton. It did not matter what she did, he would have found a way to fuck her. An analogy might be a grandmaster (Trump) against a C-class player (Clinton). The grandmaster would have wiped her off the chessboard with ease because he knows so many more ploys than the amateur.

Conclusion: Hillary Clinton never stood a chance against a psychopath. Clinton plays a tight game and adheres to the basic rules of engagement; Trump will not follow any rules because he does not believe they apply to him.


Recommendation: Investigative reporters should look closely at Donald Trump’s ties to Putin.  I strongly believe there are grounds for charges of treason. If so, the Obama administration needs to act with haste as Obama leaves office on January 20, 2017. Readers: Please contact those who might be able to assist.




Thursday, November 10, 2016

The Wild, Wacky, World of Non-Dual Reality

 Readers are invited to visit my sister site, for additional insights.

I dedicate the following essay to Alan Watts, a San Francisco Zen teacher from the 1950s. Please see his playful book, The Book: On the Taboo Against Knowing Who You Are (see: Alan Watts - Wikipedia). While I attempt some wit, the reader will be left stunned if he ever sees what is pointed to.

1. In this essay, I shall give a concise description of reality as it relates to human beings. This means that support of the claims will be minimal; however, I invite you to obtain a copy of Mr. Watts text mentioned above for further insights. Also, readers are always welcomed to email me at should they have questions.

2. Human beings live in a multidimensional reality. The first level of interest is the preordained one: All events are predestined to occur in the precise way they have happened before the foundation of the world.  At this absolute level, there is no free will.

3. On the second level, thoughts, urges, and feelings are fed into one’s brain or one’s body by dark energies. So say the goal is for 100 million Americans to feel outrage on Nov. 9. Then the programmer will see to it that Donald J. Trump is elected President of the USA. Common sense would tell everyone they are outraged at the election of Trump; in fact, the reality is the election was preordained and then the reaction of outrage was because human beings believed the simulation was real.
4. On the third level, the Ego brain, which is the default mode of human beings, is connected to an evil energy source which can only exist when human beings are suffering. So the feelings of outrage are connect to Satan or evil energies; Satan and his demons feed upon these strong emotions.

5. There is about a 90-10 percent ratio between evil and good. So there are still 10% of people in the world who are still decent. And so acts of kindness and love do occur from time to time. When a man of 70-years old is asked to review his life he will no doubt find a few fleeting moments of happiness; 99.9% of the time he would have felt that everything was fucked up!

6. How to get out of this diabolic plot? We use Einstein’s dictum: “No problem can be solved at the same level of consciousness which created the problem.” This means somehow the human consciousness has to shift from the ego brain into Truth Consciousness. 

7. The first step in shifting into the light is to see what’s happening: illumination=transformation. This shift can occur to those whose scripts preordained them to do so. Should the reader ever gets a glimpse of reality—he is being used by demonic energies—he will be stunned!

8. Jesus came into the world to offer an illumination of what is happening. The Resurrection of Jesus is both a physical and spiritual transformation. The physical transformation is physical immortality; the spiritual transformation is a shift into Truth Consciousness.

9. In practical terms, the reader needs to be dedicated to the truth. What one believes is true is not relevant; one must want the truth more than life itself!

10. It needs to be noted that God usually uses the law of cause-and-effect in order to create human being’s reality. Of course, some events are of a paranormal nature and thus do not fall into the Newtonian paradigm. 

11. The Gospel of Thomas is the best vehicle to transform into the light. Readers are invited to obtain the following resources: 


Readers are encouraged to obtain a hard copy of these texts—not just read them online. The goal is to meditate on the words of Jesus and take your time. Meditating on one saying of Jesus per day is an excellent practice. Note that the words of Jesus vibrate at the Immortal Frequency and thus obtaining these texts is the first step to obtaining Physical Immortality.  

12. Questions of why the world we live in is structured in a certain way, are left in the domain of God’s Sovereignty; I would never question why God has structured the reality the way He has done. As a follower of Jesus, I am commanded to share the Good News: “When you know yourselves, then you will be known, and you will understand that you are the children of the Living Father” (Gospel of Thomas, saying 3).

Monday, November 7, 2016

Jesus Says: “Do Not Lie…For There Is Nothing Hidden That Will Not Be Revealed”

The following post was originally posted on Readers are invited to visit this site for additional insights.

His Followers asked him and said to him, “Do you want us to fast? How should we pray? What diet should we observe?”

Jesus said, “Do not lie, and do not do what you hate, because all things are disclosed before heaven. For there is nothing hidden that will not be revealed, and there is nothing covered that will remain undisclosed” (Gospel of Thomas, saying 6).

In Jesus’ formation of the “Golden Rule,” we have a negative formation: “Do not lie.” Assuming Boolean logic, we can deduce that the opposite is true: Do Tell the Truth. Truth consciousness is the foundation of an Immortal society. The next stage in human development will either be a world-wide agreement to stop hurting each other and be honest—even when it hurts your short-term interests or it will be necessary to have a world-wide holocaust with billions of people dying.

The following essay will offer my insights from the study of the Gospel of Thomas. Like all insights given by human beings, they are subject to corrections, emendations, and even a reversal of the stated position should new data arrive which would necessitate this shift in position.

1. The truth is a solid foundation to stand upon. Note that the truth seeker is interested is the truth—not whether his position is right or not. If I make an honest claim based upon the best information available and I am wrong, then this is great! I have just learned that my former understanding was mistaken. Anyone who gets attached to a position is not a truth seeker. His stance might be right in this particular instance, but the process by which he is arriving at the truth is flawed and thus he will often be in error but will be unaware of it.

2. The truth is there is no private-public self. The concept of privacy assumes you have the right to keep things hidden from others. This is contrary to what Jesus commands in saying 6 above. Once there is just one self and the public-private dichotomy is eliminated, you will be obeying Jesus. Otherwise, if you have something which you want to keep secret, then you are open to demonic influence.

3. Women only respect honorable men. Because as Jesus pointed out, females are not a living sprit (see saying 114), they are incapable of honor. Honor means doing something against your short-term interest in favor of other higher-order archetypes such as fairness, justice, and mercy.

Example: Say you are a cop and you know Mr. X has sexually abused 28 children. So you provide him with false documents, making it appear that the police have a video tape evidence of his misdeeds (in fact, the tape was contrived by actors in a studio). Mr. X collapses and confesses. You win the day!

Except you just fucked up and lied! You are just as evil as he is because you have said by your actions lying is okay if it for a, b, c, d, e, f,…z reasons. So as long as you can come up with a justification for lying, it’s okay to lie. Those who study fallacies may say, “Oh, this is just a ‘slippery slope’ argument.” It is not! The moment you start saying lying is okay—for any reason—then there is no foundation for a civilized structure.

Note: The best response to Mr. X would be this: “Are you finally ready to tell the truth?” If this is said under God’s Spirit of Truth, you may be amazed at how many times people will go ahead and tell the truth!
4. The truth means if you fuck up, go ahead and admit it and then move on. “The cover-up is the crime!” as every student of Watergate knows. Some have speculated that if Nixon had admitted his guilt early on and burned the tapes on national television, he would be considered a great president today.

5. Truthful people can have poor memories. Conversely, liars need to have an excellent memory. This is one of the reasons liars usually get caught: They cannot keep up with all the lies they have told!

6. Silence is Golden. The truthful person always has the right to be silent. This is not a ploy or a game; it’s just following the dictum to “be as shrewd as snakes and innocent as doves” (saying 39). In the face of evil, one always has the right to remain silent.

7. Hurting people by telling them the truth is not the truth! Here we need a balance: There is no need to intentionally be cruel to others in the name of honesty. Believe me—the fat lady knows she is fat—you do not need to point this out to her.

8. Being truthful means your word is good. As the Wisdom in Proverbs 22:1  tells us: “A good name is rather to be chosen than great riches…” 

9. Someone asked me, “How did you bring down an executive director of a nonprofit?” In June of 2015, I had a spiritual awakening and it became clear that in dealing with Jonathan Vernick, I would need to be strictly honest. All claims should be supported; all sources used should be confirmed; stay away from making misleading claims. In essence, Whatever I say must be truthful! By taking this position, my readers could (and did!) rely on my reporting. Then in the final two weeks between June 8, 2016 and June 22, 2016, readership support made it clear to the Baker Board of Directors and Barbara Garcia that it was time for new leadership at Baker. 

10. So with God’s Holy Spirit of Truth and a blog…down came one Mr. Jonathan Vernick!

Summary: If the world today wishes to be a group of Physical Immortals, then there will need to be a collective agreement in honoring the truth. This is not some abstract concept. If you say, “I am going to go the office” and you really just want to get drunk with your mates, then say so; if a relationship is structured so that one feels the need to lie, then that relationship is fucked. The idea of privacy is a demonic one as it gives rise to the shadow self and lots of games because you want to keep things hidden from others. While modesty in speech and in dress are okay, if a society forces someone to be contrary to his true nature, then there will constant fights without end. As there is a dedication to the Truth, the activation of higher-ordered archetypes such as Honor, Courage, and Wisdom will also be activated.

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Constructing the Immortal Will by Being Near the Fire

This post was originally posted on my sister blog Readers are invited to visit this site for additional insights.

Constructing the Immortal Will by Being Near the Fire

Note: All citations come from the text The Fifth Gospel: The Gospel of Thomas Comes of Age by Stephen J. Patterson, James M. Robinson, and translated by Hans-Gebhard Bethge, et al. (Trinity Press International, 1998).  


Jesus Says: “The person who is near me is near the fire. And the person who is far from me if far from the kingdom” (Saying 82).

Jesus says: “If you bring it into being within you, then that which you have will save you. If you do not have it within you, then that which you do not have within you will kill you” (Saying 70).

These two sayings of Jesus point to the construction and activation of an Immortal Will. This is a spiritual structure which starts from above the head (about 3 feet) and then similar to a straight pole goes through the middle of the torso through to the earth (this structure goes through the front of the body). This can be created by males who practice sexual restraint. The sexual energy is converted into the fire Jesus speaks about in saying 82.

Unless one has this fire within, he cannot construct an Immortal Will (Saying 70). This, by the way, is why females cannot be Immortals on their own—they lack the fire. In addition, weak males who have been de facto castrated by females lack the fire. I would estimate that 90% of males today are essentially weak males who should go ahead and have their balls removed since females have fucked them up.

The goal is to construct this Immortal Will and then to activate it; activation will occur by shifting your mental ego to this Higher Will. As this activation process takes place, higher-ordered archetypes such as Honor, Truth, Wisdom and Courage will also be activated (these archetypes are activated above the head). Simultaneously, all the chakras associated with the body will be activated as well as the earth chakra.

Because Immortals have united their female side into their being (see saying 22), they probably are bisexual. This claim is somewhat speculative on my part, but a male who denies his receptive side has not integrated himself into wholeness.

Note that it is through Jesus that the Immortal Will is constructed: “I am the light that is over all. I am All. The All came forth out of me” –Jesus, Gospel of Thomas, Saying 77.